Topics covered
Explore the themes in 10:10

Space for exploring

10:10 is about discovering the difference that can be made to our, and other people’s well-being when we practise things like savouring, thankfulness, kindness and forgiveness, and when we develop healthy relationships and look after the mind, body and soul.

A springboard for learning

The content isn’t prescriptive and doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach. However, 10:10 offers children different ways they can look after their own well-being within a broad evidence-based framework.

Finding Happiness

To explore the theme of happiness, what it is and where we find it. Is it possible to be happy all the time? Can we even make ourselves happier? Why does the happiness effect sometimes wear off? Introducing Hedonic and Eudaimonic approaches to happiness, and understanding that we can change our level of happiness

Live Now

To discover the difference that living fully in the present makes to our well-being. To explore the benefits of savouring and slowing down — learning to notice and enjoy the everyday. To learn how being too busy and focussing on the past or future can prevent us enjoying life in the now.


To discover the difference gratitude and thankfulness can have on our well-being. To think about the everyday things we may take for granted and focus on the good things in our lives. To explore who and what we should be thankful for.


To discover the difference that showing kindness to others can have on our well-being. To explore what both kindness and unkindness look like and recognise the different ways we can express kindness through our actions and words. To think about the importance of being kind to ourselves.


To discover the difference forgiveness can have on our well-being. To explore the different ways we can react when hurt, highlighting the differences between forgiveness and unforgiveness. To develop an understanding of what forgiveness is and is not, and how we can set boundaries. Learn about what we can do if someone hurts us, and learn how to forgive.


To discover the difference that healthy friendships can have on our well-being. To explore why we need friendships, what a friendship is, and how we can build healthy friendships. To explore breakdowns of friendships and how these can be restored, including what to do when we feel lonely.


To discover the difference that looking after our bodies can have on our well-being. To explore why we need to look after our bodies how we can do this — thinking about exercise, healthy eating and sleeping.


To discover the difference looking after our minds can have on our well-being. To explore the difference between helpful and unhelpful thoughts. To explore how we can cope with/manage unhelpful thoughts. To learn about how looking after our minds can help with our happiness. To recognise that life doesn’t always go to plan and understand the importance of talking and seeking help when it doesn’t.


To discover and explore what the soul is. To think about how we can look after the soul focusing on our uniqueness and finding awe. To learn how looking after the soul can help with our happiness.

Mixing It

To discover the difference that mixing life up can have on our well-being. To recap why we started exploring the theme of happiness. To think back over all the different themes in 10:10 and what we learnt about them. To discover why it is important to try lots of different ways to find happiness rather than just one. To reflect on what we have learnt and think about how to put it into practice in the future.