

    This week we learned:
  1. The soul is the part of us that makes us unique.
  2. We can look after the soul by doing the things we love.
  3. Spending time in beautiful places and/or believing in something bigger than us can make us happier.


Experiment with these ideas and see what difference it makes to you in this next week!

  1. Learn a new skill that interests you.
  2. Find a space to rest, be still, and relax for at least 10 minutes each day for a week.
  3. Spend time doing something that you enjoy.
  4. Write or say a prayer
  5. Play some music you enjoy
  6. Take some time to think about how amazing the universe is: look up at the stars and count them, look at the clouds and pick out some shapes that you can see.
  7. Go for a walk up a hill, how far can you see?
  8. Use a magnifying glass to look at something small (leaf, ant, finger), what can you see?