To explore the theme of happiness, what it is and where we find it. Is it possible to be happy all the time? Can we even make ourselves happier? Why does the happiness effect sometimes wear off? Introducing Hedonic and Eudaimonic approaches to happiness.
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To discover the difference that living fully in the present makes to our well-being. To explore the benefits of savouring and slowing down — learning to notice and enjoy the everyday. To learn how being too busy and focussing on the past or future can prevent us enjoying life in the now.
To discover the difference gratitude and thankfulness can have on our well-being. To think about the everyday things we may take for granted and focus on the good things in our lives. To explore who and what we should be thankful for.
To discover the difference that showing kindness to others can have on our well-being. To explore what both kindness and unkindness look like and recognise the different ways we can express kindness through our actions and words.
To discover the difference forgiveness can have on our well-being. What is forgiveness? Should we forgive and is it a good thing? How do we forgive? Should we forget? What about revenge? To discover what forgiveness is and what it isn’t.
To discover the difference that positive relationships with friends and family can have on our well-being. To explore what makes relationships positive and what might prevent them. To discuss what an unhealthy relationship looks like. To explore handling conflict and building healthy relationships.
To discover the difference that looking after our bodies can have on our well-being. To explore how exercise, diet, sleep and the arts impact our mood and recognise a healthy approach to each of these.
To discover the difference that critical thinking and challenging automatic negative thoughts can have on our well-being. To recognise that life doesn’t always go to plan and understand the importance of talking and seeking help when it doesn’t.
To discover the difference purpose, meaning and spirituality can have on our well-being. To explore what brings meaning to our lives. To think about our individual skills, talents, abilities, beliefs and values, and how we can develop these.
Mixing It
To discover the difference that mixing life up can have on our well-being. To explore how we interrupt hedonic adaption. To discover how injecting a greater variety of experiences into our lives supports our well-being. To reflect back on 10:10, what has been discovered and think through the aspects participants will apply to their lives in the future.